Renter’s insurance (from Lemonade, Jetty, or other established insurance providers) typically covers losses to your property from damage or theft ONLY when you’re at home and DOES NOT cover Accidental Damage like a dropped phone or spilling coffee on your laptop.
Accidental Damage like Cracked Screens, Spills, and Drops are more than 12x as likely to happen than the losses that occur which Renter’s Policies will even cover…
Additionally, the deductibles on a Renter’s Policy for losses from damage like fires, floods, or a break-in are usually $250-$1,000…
That’s WAY higher than our $99 deductibles for ANY claim filed. Whether it’s Accidental Damage, or Theft, Vandalism, or even a Fire/Flood, or natural disaster.
Plus, the cost of your renter’s or homeowners insurance coverage may also increase when you do file a claim…
Whereas the coverage you get when signing up with AKKO will never increase because you file a claim!