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How Does Mechanical/Electrical Coverage Work for my Personal Electronics

Our AKKO Plan ( $15/month plan that protects 1 phone + 25 items) includes a mechanical/electrical components failure protection guarantee for all your portable electronic devices and TVs that lasts for 36 months from the date of purchase of each device. Portable electronic devices and TVs you add to your AKKO account for this protection […]

What if I want to sign up for AKKO but my phone is already broken?

NO. Unfortunately that’s not how protection plans work… 🙁 If you have any items that are currently broken (cracked phone screen, water damaged laptop, etc.) then you CAN NOT sign up and then file a claim to have those items fixed. For an item to be eligible for protection, you must: 1) have an active […]

How can I upgrade the coverage of my AKKO Plan?

To upgrade your coverage, just email us at [email protected] for help with changing your coverage plan. We’ll update your plan and confirm the changes with the insurance company so that your plan can have a higher coverage limit to accommodate your more expensive items, or a higher per incident limit for your stuff. For Student […]

Are Apple Store repairs covered if I have an AKKO Plan?

After you file a claim for your Apple devices, we’ll direct you to the closest repair provider able to handle your claim and provide repairs for your item. If no nearby repair provider is able to service your Apple devices, you can go directly to an Apple Store or use Apple’s mail-in services for repairs. […]

When my items are Damaged or Stolen how does an AKKO Plan protect me?

AKKO is all about making claims easy and fast for you! Here is the process for claims: Login to your AKKO account and file your claim from your phone or the web. A team member will reach out to you the same or next day to collect any applicable extra information, or to direct you […]

What if I don’t have the receipts for items I want to add to my AKKO Plan?

It is not a requirement to have receipts for the items you want to cover on your plan. While preferred, you can establish “proof of ownership” of your items through other means. For example, the pictures we have you take of your items when you add them to your account work great for providing this […]